Effective 8-24-2021

It is important that all organizers and members who decide to meet in person are aware of and follow local regulations. We encourage every member of the community to continue to take precautions to limit the risk of transmitting illnesses during events. One way to do this is to monitor local, state, and national guidelines on in-person gatherings. Follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These recommendations change frequently in response to transmission trends, so monitor guidelines often. The CDC is also continuing to update its guidelines for people who have received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Triangle LGBTQ Group’s COVID-19 Policy

Because there are members within LGBTQ+ communities who are immune compromised, Triangle LGBTQ Group requires that all attendees to our group events be fully vaccinated. Proof of full vaccination may be required for admission.

This policy covers both, Triangle LGBTQ Friends and Triangle LGBTQ Active Adventures Meetup groups, as well as major events, fundraising, and volunteer events and all other community activities sponsored by Triangle LTBGQ Group.



Copyright © 2016- Triangle LGBTQ Group. All rights reserved.